Building Community Through Partnerships with Local Schools in Fremont

At Biolytic, building community is one of our core company values. One way we build community is by partnering with local high schools and colleges to provide educational resources to help students get an understanding of what a career in biotech is like. Most recently, we hosted a job shadow visit where a student had the opportunity to work alongside our engineers and chemists, gaining firsthand insights into our Dr. Oligo synthesizers and the synthesis process.

The job shadow participant came from a local high school with a passion for pursuing Bioengineering in college. We crafted a customized schedule tailored to their interests, enabling them to explore various departments and gain a comprehensive understanding of their role within our process.

He began by exploring Biolytic’s roots, learning about our founder Thomas Demmitt’s journey in developing our first line of Dr. Oligo synthesizers and how he was able to automate and refine the synthesis process. Next, he shadowed a manufacturing supervisor, gaining insight into the careful planning, communication, and teamwork required to construct such complex instruments. He then worked alongside our technical engineering team, observing the inner workings of our Dr. Oligo synthesizers and participating in quality testing. Our goal was to provide a balanced understanding of both the mechanical and technical aspects. Finally, on his last day, he joined our lab technicians in conducting synthesis runs, witnessing the practical application of our synthesizers. This hands-on experience offered a deeper understanding of the journey from conception to practical use.

At Biolytic, we’re dedicated to actively engaging with our community by facilitating interactions with industry professionals. We’re committed to providing valuable insights and fostering meaningful connections that inspire curiosity and learning.

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