What length oligo can I make with the Dr. Oligo Synthesizer?

At Biolytic Lab Performance, Inc., we frequently address questions about the capabilities of our Dr. Oligo Synthesizer, particularly concerning the length of oligonucleotides (oligos) it can produce. If you’re involved in oligonucleotide synthesis or working with DNA and RNA oligo synthesizers, understanding the connection between synthesis media and oligo length is essential for optimizing your results.

The Role of Synthesis Media in Oligonucleotide Synthesis

When it comes to oligonucleotide synthesis, the length of the oligo is determined by the synthesis media, not the synthesizer itself. Controlled Pore Glass (CPG) is a common synthesis support that comes in various pore sizes, measured in angstroms, directly influencing the maximum oligo length that can be synthesized.

For example:

  • CPG with 1000 Angstrom Pore Size: Suitable for synthesizing oligos in the ~120 nucleotide (mer) range.
  • CPG with 3000 Angstrom Pore Size: Capable of producing oligos up to 300 nucleotides, though these supports are more fragile.

Capabilities of the Dr. Oligo Synthesizer for DNA and RNA Oligonucleotide Synthesis

Our Dr. Oligo Synthesizer is designed to support a wide range of synthesis plates and columns, accommodating synthesis media with pore sizes from 500 to 2000 angstroms. This flexibility enables researchers to synthesize oligos up to approximately 230 nucleotides in length.

However, it’s important to remember that longer oligos require more synthesis cycles, leading to increased synthesis time. This can impact the yield and purity of the final oligo, an important consideration when planning your synthesis strategy with a DNA or RNA oligo synthesizer.

Strategies for Synthesizing Longer Oligos

If your research demands oligos longer than what can be directly synthesized, an effective approach is to synthesize shorter oligo fragments and then combine them post-synthesis. This method is commonly used in DNA and RNA oligonucleotide synthesis to achieve the desired oligo length without sacrificing quality.

Conclusion: Optimizing Oligonucleotide Synthesis with the Dr. Oligo Synthesizer

In summary, while the Dr. Oligo Synthesizer supports the production of oligos up to approximately 230 nucleotides in length, the choice of synthesis media is key to achieving your target oligo size. For longer sequences, consider fragment synthesis followed by post-synthesis combination, a strategy widely used in oligonucleotide synthesis.

For more tips on optimizing your DNA and RNA oligo synthesis process or to discuss your specific needs, reach out to our experts at Biolytic Lab Performance, Inc. We are committed to supporting your research with cutting-edge solutions in oligonucleotide synthesis.

Explore our synthesis consumable offerings on our website: DNA RNA Oligo Synthesis Consumables | Biolytic Lab Performance

Find the right Dr. Oligo Synthesizer for your application: DNA / RNA / PEPTIDE Oligonucleotide Synthesizer | Dr Oligo (biolytic.com)

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